2023 Video Gallery

Find out more about each of the 2023 Ayrshire Business Award finalists by checking out the videos below.

Charity of The Year Award Finalists

Ayrshire’s Growth Business of the Year (0-10) Finalists

Ayrshire’s Growth Business of the Year (11-50) Finalists

Ayrshire’s Growth Business of the Year (51+) Finalists

Active Travel at Work Award Finalists

Apprentice of the Year Award Finalists

Community Wealth Building Award Finalists

Driving Sustainability Award Finalists

Hospitality Business of the Year Award Finalists

Workplace Health & Wellbeing Award Finalists

Start-Up Business of the Year Award Finalists

Going Global Award Finalists

Community Award Finalists

Entrepreneur of the Year Award Finalists

Developing Ayrshire’s Young Workforce Award Finalists

Tourism Award Finalists

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