Welcome to The Ayrshire Business Awards 2023
brought to you by the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce

Entries to The Ayrshire Business Awards 2023 are now open.
For further information or assistance contact our Awards Team on awards@ayrshirechamber.org

Book your place and be part of The Ayrshire Business Awards 2023 celebrations.

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Our goal is to support every type of business, from sole traders to large multinational corporations. Our members cover a vast range of sectors including textiles, construction, tourism, retail and manufacturing and many more.

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Being a sponsor of the Ayrshire Chamber Business Awards represents true value by offering a whole host of opportunities.

[gem_divider margin_top=”20″][gem_button text=”Find Out More” position=”center” style=”outline” corner=”30″ size=”tiny” no_uppercase=”1″ border=”1″ icon_pack=”elegant” text_color=”#eaeaea” hover_text_color=”#262626″ hover_background_color=”#eaeaea” border_color=”#eaeaea” hover_border_color=”#eaeaea” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fngaget28.sg-host.com%2Faward-sponsors%2F|title:Award%20Sponsors”][/gem_textbox]
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Businesses of all sizes and sectors from across Ayrshire were invited to enter the
2023 Ayrshire Business Awards.

[gem_divider margin_top=”20″][gem_button text=”Find Out More” position=”center” style=”outline” corner=”30″ size=”tiny” no_uppercase=”1″ border=”1″ icon_pack=”elegant” text_color=”#eaeaea” hover_text_color=”#262626″ hover_background_color=”#eaeaea” border_color=”#eaeaea” hover_border_color=”#eaeaea” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fngaget28.sg-host.com%2Fbusiness-awards-finalists%2F|title:Business%20Awards%20Finalists”][/gem_textbox]
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The Ayrshire Business Awards 2023 Winners will be announced a few days after the event. Good Luck to all nominees.

[gem_divider margin_top=”20″][gem_button text=”Find Out More” position=”center” style=”outline” corner=”30″ size=”tiny” no_uppercase=”1″ border=”1″ icon_pack=”elegant” text_color=”#eaeaea” hover_text_color=”#262626″ hover_background_color=”#eaeaea” border_color=”#eaeaea” hover_border_color=”#eaeaea” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fngaget28.sg-host.com%2Fbusiness-awards-winners%2F|title:Business%20Awards%20Winners”][/gem_textbox]
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We would like to thank all of the 2023 award entries. We were pleased to see such a diverse range of applications.

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2023 Event Sponsors

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The Ayrshire Business Awards have been a prominent feature of the Ayrshire business calendar for many years. Having gained a reputation for highlighting the successes and excellence of Ayrshire business, the Awards have become a beacon celebrating all that Ayrshire has to offer.

Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce is proud to host the Ayrshire Business Awards year on year, with the event growing in popularity throughout the decades. It has been a delighted to see so many companies flourish and thrive.

We send a huge thank all our past sponsors, for their support of the Ayrshire Business Awards, and for helping us make the awards such a successful celebration of Ayrshire business.

[gem_button text=”Previous Awards Image Library” corner=”12″ no_uppercase=”1″ icon_pack=”elegant” text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#737373″ hover_text_color=”#ffffff” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwetransfer.com%2Fdownloads%2F1483d9aedda32105af19b4c4dad1af0220230927151138%2Fb96b5807f364ec5659e30b0fdfe7625e20230927151153%2F99679a|title:Past%20Awards%20Library|target:_blank|rel:nofollow”]
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What the winners say about the awards

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Ben Hanlin
2023 Host and Entertainment

Ben Hanlin has been seen on TV shows all over The World such as, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Celebrity Juice and as a contestant on ITV’s Dancing on Ice (semi finalist).

He first appeared on our screens as the star of his own ITV2 show, “Tricked” which saw him pulling magic pranks on celebrities and members of the public.

More recently he has been making content all across social media which has resulted in over 2 million followers and a number of partnerships with brands such as, Amazon Prime and McDonalds..

His big passion is still performing LIVE in front of audiences and his goal is always to make his shows funny, amazing and interactive! So if you’re in the audience, you may become part of the show!

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Ayrshire Business Awards 2023 Highlight Reel

Ayrshire Business Awards 2023 Annual Dinner Showreel

Book your place and be part of The Ayrshire Business Awards 2023 celebrations.

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Our goal is to support every type of business, from sole traders to large multinational corporations. Our members cover a vast range of sectors including textiles, construction, tourism, retail and manufacturing and many more.

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