Business Magazine

Your Business Magazine

The quarterly business magazine is your go to for Ayrshire business news with local, domestic and international articles. With a publication of 1000 which includes a complimentary copy mailed to all members, it is read by key decision makers all over Ayrshire.

The aim of the magazine is to provide members and non-members with a comprehensive service of news and events summary together with a source of contacts, business opportunities, information and advice.

Click for online back issues

Click for Advertising Guide

Click for Editorial Guidelines

Space for editorial/advertising and distribution deadlines:

Spring 2023 – 17 Feb – 13 Mar
Summer 2023 – 15 May – 12 Jun
Autumn 2023 – 14 Aug – 11 Sep
Winter 2023 – 3 Nov – 27 Nov

All dates are subject to alteration at discretion of the Editor.

All editorial submitted for publication is subject to editing and there is no guarantee of inclusion.

Editorial contact: Kate Armstrong call 01292 678155 or email

Advertising contact: Lisa Stewart

Advertising Contact
Lisa Stewart

Lisa Stewart

Editorial Contact
Kate Armstrong

Kate Armstrong

Become a Member Today!

To apply to become an Ayrshire Chamber member online, please click here to access our online application form.

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