Work Placement Hub

Work placements

Work Placements are an important part of a young person’s education, helping them to gain meaningful exposure to the world of work and helping them to plan their future career.

The chamber network regularly hear that skills is one of the main issues facing businesses, hosting a work placement could be an important first step for employers who want to inspire and develop the workforce of the future.

If you would like to offer work experience, please complete the form below and return to our Education Team:


If you do not currently offer work experience but would like to find out more information, please contact our Education Team or call 01292 678666.

DYW Ayrshire have developed guidelines to assist you to raise the quality of the learning that a work placement can offer while motivating and inspiring all involved.

If you are looking for help & support prior to the placement then please contact the Education Team on 01292 678666

Health and Safety Guidance:

Young people and work experience

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