Event Terms & Conditions


One of our Company’s core values is to uphold responsible and fair business practices.

We are committed to promoting and maintaining the highest level of ethical standards in relation to all of
its business activities.

[gem_button text=”Download these terms as a printable document” corner=”12″ no_uppercase=”1″ icon_pack=”elegant” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fngaget28.sg-host.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fayrshire-chambers-event-refund-policy-as-at-21-06-22.pdf”]
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Ordinary Events
Cancellations made less than 3 working days prior to the event start date – charged in full

Special Events
Cancellations made less than 10 working days prior to the event start date – charged in full

Special Events includes, but are not limited to, the following:

Annual Dinner
Awards Dinner
Business Week Stands
Platinum Events

To cancel any event please call 01292 678666 or email events@ayrshire-chamber.org

Training Courses

First Aid Training courses:

The following charges will apply to booking cancellations:
More than 2 weeks’ notice from course start date – no charge
1 -2 weeks’ notice from course start date – 75% of course fee
Less than 7 days’ notice from course start date -100% of course fee

Business Boost Training Courses:

Cancellations made less than 3 working days prior to workshop start date – charged in full

International Trade Training Courses:

The following charges will apply to booking cancellations:
More than 2 weeks’ notice from course start date – no charge
1 -2 weeks’ notice from course start date – 75% of course fee
Less than 7 days’ notice from course start date – 100% of course fee

To cancel any training course please call 01292 678666 or email jcoulter@ayrshire-chamber.org
or admin@ayrshire-chamber.org


Please note that our Memorandum & Articles of Association a Member may terminate membership by giving notice in writing at least three months before the day when his subscription shall next be due. If no such notice is received the Member shall be liable for the subscription for the ensuing year which shall be a debt due to and legally recoverable by the Chamber.
Cancellation of membership needs to be in writing, either by letter or email. We will write to you to confirm that we have cancelled your membership as per your request.

Members may cancel their subscription to a product, service or membership at any time but may not be eligible for a refund of fees already paid. Alternatively, members can lapse their subscription at the point of renewal but will not be eligible for a refund of fees already paid.

Ceasing your membership will also stop access to products and services that are received through being an Ayrshire Chamber member.

If you pay your subscription by Direct Debit payments the Direct Debit instruction will be cancelled for the next payment. Please note that if you cancel your Direct Debit instruction this will automatically lapse or cancel your membership. It is therefore important that you contact Ayrshire Chamber as soon as possible.

In the event of you wishing to cease your membership we will require payment of any arrears that may be due from you at the time following which you will have no further obligations.

Ayrshire Chamber reserves the right to alter, amend, change, modify or withdraw any of the membership categories at any time and without prior notice.

Boardroom Bookings

The following charges will apply to booking cancellations:
More than 2 weeks’ notice from course start date – no charge
1 -2 weeks’ notice from course start date – 75% of course fee
Less than 7 days’ notice from course start date -100% of course fee

To cancel any boardroom booking please call 01292 678666 or email jcoulter@ayrshirechamber.org or admin@ayrshire-chamber.org

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Become a Member Today!

To apply to become an Ayrshire Chamber member online, please click here to access our online application form.

[gem_button text=”Become a Member Today” position=”center” corner=”12″ no_uppercase=”1″ icon_pack=”elegant” text_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#737373″ hover_text_color=”#ffffff” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fngaget28.sg-host.com%2Fmembership-at-a-glance%2F|title:Membership%20At%20a%20Glance”]

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